
8 Key Marketing Metrics Every Business Should Track with Analytics

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Whether you are starting a new marketing campaign or fine-tuning an existing one, defining and tracking your marketing metrics is extremely important. As a leading data analysis service provider, renowned in New York and New Jersey, we understand the profound impact of data-driven marketing strategies. Renowned for our expert marketing analytics consultants, we specialize in leveraging data to drive impactful marketing outcomes. 

Throughout our journey of offering digital marketing analytics services, we have observed numerous businesses feel overwhelmed by the multitude of marketing KPIs available to track. To help out, we’ve handpicked eight essential marketing metrics that every business should monitor with analytics. We’ve further categorized them into brand-oriented and ROI oriented metrics, making it even easier for you to focus on what matters most to your business.

Essential Marketing Metrics to Drive Business Success:

Before we delve into the details of these metrics, let’s define brand-oriented and ROI-oriented metrics and explore four key metrics in each category. To illustrate the practical application of these metrics, we have also shared a case study at the end of the blog. This case study demonstrates how tracking these metrics can significantly enhance marketing performance and drive business growth.

Understanding Brand Oriented Metrics:

Brand-oriented metrics focus on measuring the effectiveness of marketing efforts in building brand awareness and perception about the brand in the minds of their target audience. These metrics help businesses understand how well their brand resonates with their target audience and how their marketing activities influence brand visibility and reputation. Businesses can drastically improve with a 360- View of Customers.

Brand-oriented metrics that we recommend tracking are:

1. Impressions: The total number of times your ad is displayed, regardless of whether it is clicked or not.

Why It Matters: Impressions measure the reach of your advertising efforts, helping to assess how widely your target audience sees your message.

How to Track: Use your advertising platform’s analytics to track the number of impressions for each campaign.

2. Click-Through Rate (CTR): The percentage of people who click on your ad after seeing it.

Why It Matters: CTR indicates how compelling your ad is to your audience. A higher CTR suggests that your ad content and visuals are resonating well.

How to Track: Divide the number of clicks by the number of impressions and multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

3. Website Visits: The total number of visitors to your website.

Why It Matters: This metric helps to gauge overall interest in your brand and the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns in driving traffic to your site.

How to Track: Use web analytics tools like Google Analytics to monitor the number of visits to your website over a specific period and get enhanced insights about user behavior.

4. Website Engaged Sessions: The number of sessions on your website where users engage meaningfully, such as viewing multiple pages, filling out forms, or spending a significant amount of time. 

Why It Matters: Engaged sessions indicate that visitors find your content valuable and are more likely to convert into customers.

How to Track: Analyze user behavior on your website using tools like Google Analytics and Google Tag manager to track a range of user interactions.

Understanding ROI-Oriented metrics

ROI-oriented metrics focus on measuring the financial outcomes of marketing efforts. These metrics help businesses understand the direct impact of their marketing activities on overall revenue generation and optimize marketing spending to maximize revenue.

ROI- oriented metrics we recommend tracking

1. Marketing Spend: The total amount spent on marketing activities within a specific period.

Why It Matters: Tracking marketing spend helps businesses understand their budget allocation and evaluate the cost-effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

How to Track: Sum up all marketing expenses, including advertising, content creation, and promotional activities, over a specific period.


2. Cost Per Click (CPC): The average amount paid for each click on your ads.

Why It Matters: CPC helps measure the cost efficiency of your advertising campaigns. Lower CPCs indicate more cost-effective campaigns. 

How to Track: Divide the total cost of your ads by the number of clicks received.


3. Conversions: The times a user performs a desired action, such as filling a form or purchasing

Why It Matters: Conversions directly impact revenue and indicate the effectiveness of your marketing efforts in driving desired actions from your audience.

How to Track: Use conversion tracking tools on your website and ad platforms to monitor the number of conversions.


4. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): The total cost spent on acquiring a customer (includes all marketing and sales expenses).

Why It Matters: Understanding CAC helps businesses evaluate the efficiency of their marketing campaigns. Lowering CAC while maintaining or increasing customer acquisition rates indicates a successful strategy.

How to Track: Sum up all marketing and sales expenses over a specific period and divide by the number of new customers acquired during that period.

Case Study

A prestigious luxury hotel chain encountered significant challenges, leading them to seek our business analytics consulting services. By concentrating on key metrics, we provided critical insights that significantly enhanced their marketing and sales strategies.

Read More: Quilytics’ Data-Driven Analytics Transforms Marketing Performance For A Luxury Hotel Chain


Tracking these essential marketing metrics with analytics is not just a task; it’s a pathway to success and sustainable growth for any business. As marketing analytics consultants in New York, we are committed to helping businesses in the USA unlock the full potential of their marketing data, ensuring they stay ahead in an ever-evolving marketplace.

To learn more about our services, contact us at hello@quilytics.com / +1 (312)-678-0230


Why should I consider hiring a marketing analytics consultant?

Hiring a marketing analytics consultant can provide expert insights, advanced analytical capabilities, and tailored strategies to improve marketing performance and drive business growth.

What tools can help me track and analyze marketing metrics?

Various tools, such as Google Analytics, HubSpot, and even some data analytics tools, can help track and analyze key marketing metrics.

How often should I review my marketing metrics?

Reviewing marketing metrics should be a continuous process. Weekly or monthly reviews can help optimize campaigns and achieve better results.