
Implementation of Google Analytics (GA4) for a sustainable fashion brand with an e-commerce website.

Client Introduction

The client is a pioneering fashion brand renowned for its sustainable and innovative apparel. They use cutting-edge technology to create fabrics that repel liquids, stains, and odors, offering functional and stylish clothing that reduces environmental impact. With collections available in major cities and select international markets, they provide high-quality, eco-friendly fashion to discerning consumers.

Business Problem

The client wanted to migrate their analytics platform from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4, the latest version. The client depended on Universal Analytics for all its marketing and e-commerce performance reporting. Therefore, it required accurate migration to Google Analytics 4 so that there was business continuity in terms of website performance reporting.

Project Goals

How Quilytics, Google Analytics consulting services in New Jersey helped:

Initial Assessment - Audit of website and Universal Analytics

  • Conducted a thorough audit of the existing Universal Analytics setup.
  • Identified key metrics and KPIs relevant to the client’s business objectives.
  • Mapped out the customer journey and critical touch points on the website.

GA4 Property Creation

  • Created a new GA4 property for Ably Apparel and linked the GA4 property with the existing GTM container to enable data flow and analytics tracking.
  • Created basic tags for GA4 in the existing GTM container.
  • Created custom dimensions and filters to ensure accurate flow of data.
  • Defined and implemented key GA4 events such as page views, newsletters and sign-ups.
  • Utilized GTM to deploy custom events, ensuring alignment with the client’s business goals.


Read More:- Unleash the Power of GTM: Optimize Your Website’s Tracking Capabilities

Ecommerce Tracking setup

  • Created and documented a robust data layer to enable tracking of product views, add-to-cart actions, and purchases, which helps monitor and understand the customer journey.
  • Coordinated with the website team to correctly implement the data layer and tested them.
  • Created key events in GA4 to track items viewed, items added to the cart, items purchased and item revenue.


Enhanced Data Accuracy and Improved Marketing Insights

  • Created and documented a robust data layer to enable tracking of product views, add-to-cart actions, and purchases, which helps monitor and understand the customer journey.
  • Coordinated with the website team to correctly implement the data layer and tested them.
  • Created key events in GA4 to track items viewed, items added to the cart, items purchased and item revenue.

Comprehensive User Journey Analysis and Increased Operational Efficiency

  • Mapped the complete customer journey, identifying drop-off points and opportunities for improvement.
  • Leveraged funnel analysis to enhance the checkout process and reduce cart abandonment rates.
  • Streamlined tag management processes using GTM, reducing dependency on development resources.
  • Ensured scalability for future tracking and analytics needs.


Predictive analytics

  • While auditing, Quilytics also observed qualitative effects of seasonality, cyclicity and canceled orders. 
  • As the next step, Quilytics recommended that the client use predictive analytics solutions, such as data modeling, to predict website purchases.
  • This would help the client in stock-piling high-selling products during promotions and the holiday season.