
Driving Brand Awareness: Quilytics' Data-Driven Analytics Transforms Marketing Performance For A Luxury Hotel Chain

Client Introduction

The client is a renowned luxury hotel chain that operates a series of upscale waterfront havens in prime travel destinations. With their distinctive properties located in New York, Rhode Island, Arizona, and various other locations, they offer exceptional hospitality services to their discerning guests.

Business Problem

The client faced a significant challenge in gaining data-driven clear insights and establishing effective business goals for the hotel. They lacked a comprehensive understanding of how to formulate and measure their KPIs that would drive success in their market segments.
This prompted the client to seek business analytics consulting to unlock valuable data backed insights into their marketing and sales efforts. They identified that they needed a data analytics solution to streamline their internal manual processes which were proving to be slow and error prone.

Project Goals

How Quilytics Helped

Quilytics successfully addressed the client's analytics challenges and provided a range of impactful services and solutions:

a) Data Discovery- Identifying crucial business metrics and KPI:

Our experienced team conducted extensive research and analysis to gain profound insights into their business. This involved a detailed examination of their business model, target audience, competitive landscape, and market intricacies.

Building upon our research findings, we identified the critical analytics metrics and KPIs that would effectively measure marketing and sales performance in the premium hotel segment. 

These metrics encompass Users and user sources, conversions and conversion channels, conversion rates, revenue, return on marketing spend, market penetration, and customer satisfaction.

b) Data Integration- Identifying Tools and Platforms for Data stack setup and enabling data analytics

  • Quilytics identified key pain points for the client which included:
  • Dispersed data across multiple systems and locations.
  • Inefficient manual data aggregation and analysis processes.
  • Lack of real-time visibility into key operational metrics.
  • Difficulty in identifying trends and patterns across different locations.

Post this, we created a Google Cloud project and enabled the required APIs from channels like Facebook, Instagram, Google AdWords, and Google Analytics. We also configured these data sources and established data pipelines using Dataflow for data ingestion, transformation, and enrichment and defined a schema to create tables in Big Query for data storage.

c) Data Visualization- Creating an Intuitive Performance Dashboard:

Leveraging advanced technologies such as Looker and Funnel, our team crafted a customized, user-friendly performance dashboard. The dashboard incorporated the granular dimensions and metrics  (such as Audience Type, Creative Ad Type, Channel Grouping with Cost, Clicks, CTR, CPC,ROAS, Website Leads) outlined in the measurement plan and utilized features such as drill-down, date-range selectors, and interactive filters for enhanced data exploration. 

This intuitive interface empowered the client to effortlessly slice and dice data, uncover performance trends, and monitor the progress of their marketing endeavors on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis.


The implementation of our analytics solution yielded significant benefits for the client's brokerage and franchise division. By gaining comprehensive insights into their operations and the ability to measure and track marketing performance, the client was equipped to make data-driven decisions, optimize strategies, and drive success in their targeted market segments.

The performance dashboard provided real-time visibility, enabling the client to proactively respond to changing market dynamics and enhance their brand awareness initiatives.

The client was also able to invest in an intelligent data solution with seamless connections throughout the pipeline. The data stack that Quilytics created was built for scalability as well as flexibility keeping in mind more hotel properties and more campaigns in future, but also adjusted to the client’s budgets.